During work in the sql server 2005 many of the new thing has been found in the sql server one of which is the ROW_NUMBER() is a new function that is added to the SQL Server 2005 T-SQL syntax. ROW_NUMBER() is used to assign ranks to the result of a query. Here is the sample output of using the Row_Number, the first column contains the serialNumber.
Use NorthWind
Declare @TotalRecord INT
Set @TotalRecord=(Select Count(*) from Employees )
Select @TotalRecord-(Select Count(*) from Employees where Employee.EmployeeID < EmployeeID) as SerialNumber,
EmployeeName=FirstName+' '+LastName, Title, HireDate, Country from Employees AS Employee
In the above t-sql statement I have declare variable which is used to save the total number of records which is the @TotalRecord. And I have used it in the select statement to subtract the number of record remaining of the current record.
I have used the northwind database and in that database I have used the employees table. Hope you like this post and get some knowledge from this post.
All and any comments / bugs / suggestions are welcomed!
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