Let us start how we can start with jquery. First of all you have to get latest version of the jquery file from the jquery web site.
<script src="scripts/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
And this is the simple starting point for you reader who are just new to the jquery. you have to put this code in the script tag of type 'text/javascript'.
$(document).ready( function()
alert('Hello world');
alert('Hello world');
The above code is simple one and it contain just hello world message which is shown when the page is fully loaded. But this code contain the basic things you need to start with, first of all the dollar ($) sign, which is call the selector, if you want to select any control in the you page then you can use this dollar sign to get that control suppose you have the control whose id is "cmdButton" then what you need is to get that button but using $('#cmdButton') statement, One more important thing which i would like to share with you is that the syntax above to get the control is used when you don't have master page in you project, or your page didn't open in master page but if your page is open in your master page then what you need to do is to get the control is $('#'+'<%=cmdButton.ClientID%>') this syntax is used to get the control in jquery.
From the code above you have seen the number sign (#) The number sign is used to select the control/element by there id. You can select element by there css className, with there ElementTag and even with the element properties etc for complete referece how you can access the elements you can click here . For quick reference some of the how to access the elements.
- To access element with there id , where myDiv is the id of the div control in the page.
$("#myDiv").css("border","3pxsolid red");
- To access element with there tag name . This example will apply red border of red color to all the divs in the page regardless of the id and the class name.
$("div").css("border","3px solid red");
- To access element with there css className . The example below will access the control whose css class name is myClass and apply the red border of 3px to every control which has myClass css class name.
$(".myClass").css("border","3px solid red");
window.onload = function(){ alert("welcome"); }
Inside of which is the code that you want to run right when the page is loaded. Problematically, however, the Javascript code isn't run until all images are finished downloading (this includes banner ads). The reason for using window.onload in the first place is due to the fact that the HTML 'document' isn't finished loading yet, when you first try to run your code. To circumvent both problems, jQuery has a simple statement that checks the document
and waits until it's ready to be manipulated, known as the ready event (Source)
Hope you like this. if you have any question then ask me.
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good for beginners ... i hope to see more on jQuery :)
Awais: i will continue my post regarding jquery and hope you will learn more.
Thanks Asim, I'm very much interested in jQuery. Espeicially in the jQuery integration with ASP.NET.
concerning JQuery in ASP.NET, the following article I found to be of interest, its from a starting point in using ASP.NET and how JQuery is also to be used as the main library in VS 2010.
Quinton J Sheppard: Thanks for your link it is really useful but i am currently work in VS 2005 :)
Nice article, thanks
Tarek: thanks for your comments
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